Today we're doing lènyis, a word meaning foursome, quadruple, quartet - and the four-day week of the mërèchi ceremonial calendar. The word is derived from lèn, four, and the suffix -yis, "group of".
Like the names of the seven tèpsëtyt covered yesterday, the names of the days in the lènyis are not meaningful in the mërèchi language. They are:
nàksü ['naksu]
mètü ['mEtu]
làfü ['lafu]
mëàrüa [me'arua]
Throughout the mërèchi-speaking area, these four days are consistently considered to have the following associations: nàksü, with fire; mètü, with green growing things; làfü, with the wind; and mëàrüa, with water.
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